Monday, August 25, 2008

Clay Aiken-Favorite Concert Tour Moments

Since Clay Aiken is not touring this year, I thought it would be a good time to revisit some of my favorite moments from past tours, Starting with the AI2 tour from 2003. What are your favorite moments from that first tour?

American Idol 2 Tour

During this tour the fandom was young, and the video was often not clear and taken with cell phones, and often not credited. Still, the excitement of those earlier days is easy to feel while watching these videos.


We were just learning how funny and off the cuff Clay could be during this tour.

Ruben I Got Panties

You were right Clay. We had your back then, as we still do now.

The Girl is Mine

Raleigh This Is The Night


Deona said...

Lots of great memories. I loved Invisible and also Clay rising from the floor for TITN.

Anonymous said...

aawww I love memory lane, in some ways it seems like a life time ago. Can't wait to see what's next for Clay Aiken

Anonymous said...

Has it really been 5 years? Thanks for the memories. Clay Aiken is the best!

Anonymous said...

Good times! It'll be hard to ever have a moment as moving as "This is the Night" in Raleigh. Thanks for reminding me of the early-day performances.

Snarky said...

Wow. What great memories. TITN was my absolute Clay Aiken performance during the AI2 tour. Loved it.

Medusa said...

Thanks for the walk down the Clay Aiken memory lane. Clay has always had the "IT" factor on stage. He still does. In 5 short years he has gotten better and better.

Anonymous said...

I so loved the AI tour! It was the Clay Aiken show, for sure. I can still remember the thrill of seeing him rise from the "ashes" singing This is the Night, and blowing the roof off the venue with his amazing voice.

Chitter said...

Wow how did I miss your blog??
It is wonderful.
I didn't go to any AI tours - I didn't really find Clay after AI until 2004.
It was so nice seeing those videos -
Yes I must agree we certainly have come a long way with our clack. LOL
but these videos are treasures.
Thanks so much
I added you to my blogroll.

Chitter said...

oops forgot to add - thanks for having me on your blogroll.
I did change my blog name today at the suggestion of a primo blogger from Lifeblog - Near and Far to
Lifeblog - Me and Clay Aiken

she told me it helps to have Clay Aiken in the name -


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