Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Vanilla Revolution and Clay Aiken

Here is an excerpt from a great blog.

Clay Aiken Fans: Remember the Vanilla Revolution?

It was about accepting Clay as he is. Remember the mantra, "Let Clay be Clay" ?

Vanilla represented the majority of the population's preference. It is not the choice of people who need to be seen as cool, the ones that jump on every new thing as if it were the best because it is new. New isn't better, new doesn't last and new isn't new for long. Clay is an old soul and his fans like him that way.

Visit Chexxxy's Pearls to read the rest of this blog.


Anonymous said...

Wise words from my mother:

You can't change can only change yourself.

Medusa said...

Yes, I remember the Vanilla Revolution. It was so funny when the fans sent the RCA executives a huge amount of Vanilla ice cream after one of their employees called Clay Aiken's music "Vanilla." A hilarious moment!!!

Chitter said...

Vanilla is my favourite flavour!

great blog!

Anonymous said...

Why not let Clay be Clay ? He brings chills and thrills , tears and laughter and lots of surprises . He's the best .

Anonymous said...

See, the great thing about vanilla is that you can add any sweet thing you want to it and the dish becomes that much sweeter.

I'll take vanilla Clay Aiken and whatever spice he wants to add any old day.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Clay Aiken is lucky to have you as a fan.

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